
Hello again, today I want to chat to you all about one thing in particular – why you need to make your brand more visible. It’s something which I had to learn, and learn fast, when I started my first business. I was trying to establish myself and I quickly realized through meeting other female entrepreneurs, just how important it is for your brand.

Now, over a year down the line, I’m still learning about new ways to be visible, but it’s become a huge part of my brand, my marketing strategy and one of the key reasons why I’ve been successful so far. I mean, whatever your business, there’s no point having a game-changing idea and kick ass branding if no-one knows it’s out there or where to find it, right?

So today I want to share some of my thoughts on the why you should do it and some top tips on how to go about it, as well as touching on the biggest hurdles I faced – confidence. So let’s get stuck in.


It might seem a simple one, or an obvious one, but as I touched on a few sentences ago, the main reason to work on being more visible is to get noticed by your ideal client. Because that’s how you convert potential clients into returning customers.

I have no doubt you’re super talented and expert at what you do, with an amazing idea to match, and your branding will bring tie it all together, but you HAVE to build up that profile and get established in your industry. You’ll know your niche, but until you become more visible you won’t stand out from the competition and grab your ideal client’s attention.

There’s so much noise and competition in news feeds and on social media that you need something bigger than messaging, or just being noticed to cut in the modern world. And what’s that? Well, it’s YOU of course. People are craving human interactions and connections more than ever and by being visible (I’ll come onto the how soon) you’ll create one with your audience. And as soon as you start to build that rapport and relationship you’ll be smashing the all-important know, like, trust factor.

This is why your personality and your story are so important to your branding. You are your secret weapon, the one thing no-one can copy, and the ability to show off who you are is what gives you the edge over bigger, faceless corporations. But until your potential clients get to see you, to find out who you are and start to like and trust you, you’ll be missing out – and no-one wants that!


So how can you become more visible to your ideal client? Well, I talk a lot about touch points, and maximizing them is one of the key ways to get seen by more people. But it’s not just about social media, it’s about always representing your brand, because at the end of the day, you are it.


Yes! I too can look a bit mad on FB lives, but it DOESN’T MATTER!

The first thing I want to chat to you about here is Facebook Live. Now, video is such a rapidly growing medium across social media and the algorithms seem to be rewarding it even more, so making sure you’re doing Lives is key to raising your brand profile.

Your followers will also get a notification each time you do, giving you another chance to capture their attention. On top of that, you’ll give your ideal client an insight into the person behind the brand in a very honest, authentic manner, which is so important when it comes to earning people’s trust. I mean there’s still a place for that perfectly lit, perfectly edited flat lay on Instagram, but when it comes to building an emotional connection, there’s no comparison to a Facebook Live.

This isn’t to say that you should just go live for lives sake. Always consider your brand AND your ideal client. Give them something they need, something only you can offer. That could be a top tip, a solution to a pain point or a part of your story they can relate to, as long as you deliver it in a way that shows off your personality, you’ll be onto a winner. You can also engage with people as they tune in, respond to their comments and start to build that connection with your followers. Not to mention the fact that the more Lives you do, the more views you’ll get and the more people will look out for your next one.


Now this is a big one, brand photography. From the person behind the lens, to the shoot location and the outfit you go for, it’s so important to get this one right. Your brand photography has to scream you, and your brand.

So if you’re creative don’t go for a corporate location or corporate outfit. Show off who you are and make sure you feel comfortable with the photographer – so you present the best version of yourself to your ideal client, and the world. You want your brand photography to make people want to get to know you better, and I don’t just mean in a business sense. The best brand photography makes you want to be that person’s friend – to hang out with them and be around them, which again brings us back to that human connection.

I drop this saying a lot, and I mean A LOT, but people really do buy from people, and your brand photography is such a powerful tool to show the world who you are and what you stand for. Don’t forget, these shots can go everywhere. A good branding shoot should give you plenty of ammo to boost your visibility at relevant moments across everything from your website to social media.


So, onto top tip #3. And this one is focused purely on Instagram. Now I’m sure we’ve all been there when the lovely people at Instagram decide to change their algorithm AGAIN. You spend ages developing your strategy, working out the hashtags, taking the shots, writing the posts and then boom, no likes. But don’t worry, all is not lost.

There’s a way around all of that, and it comes in the form of IG stories. This is such an important tool when it comes to visibility and storytelling around your brand. Why? Because it combines the best of Facebook Live with the best placement in the Instagram feed. You can tell stories, share video, go live, upload those killer shots, and most importantly, be the first thing anyone sees when they open the app, regardless of the algorithm.

I don’t know about you, but that top bar is where my eyes go as soon as I open Insta and I’m so much more likely to click through to a profile from a story, than from a feed post. So for me, being at the top of the feed is 100% the place to be.

Remember though, treat Instagram stories in the same way you treat Facebook Lives. Don’t just do it for the sake of it, and always try to give your audience a clear take out. The other important thing to consider is that super long stories DON’T perform as well. Aim for 7-10 frames and keep your audience engaged with the message, to keep them coming back for more.


Do you know what I think when I see this image? Ewwww look at my nose, look how fat I look!!! But I bet other people don’t see me the same way I do.

So as you many of you know, I’ve been where you are right now. And what I want to talk to you guys about in this section, is something that I’m sure we’ve all dealt with, and battled with during our branding journey. And the funny thing is, it’s got nothing to do with the all things we can control – like the original idea, or our work or a specific skillset. What it comes down to is confidence. But I don’t just mean confidence in front of a camera, I’m talking about having the confidence to know what’s right for you, AND more importantly, your brand.

All of my top tips for being more visible WILL work for your brand. They’ll do an amazing job, BUT, and this is a big but, only if you show your most confident side. If you aren’t or don’t, then that will come through in the final output – whether it’s a Live, a story or even your pro branding photographs. So not only will you waste the money you invest, your ideal client will also pick up on the negative vibes.

The best advice I was given is to find a way to showcase your confidence. Don’t panic or feel self-conscious, use your nerves to fuel your confidence. You’re in this position because you are a strong, confident woman, and an expert at what you do, so show that to the world.

Most importantly, don’t be something you’re not. Just do you. Show off your personality and engage with your ideal client. The moment they see the real you, the actual human face behind the brand is the moment you start to convert being recognized into being liked and trusted.

So there you have it, a few thoughts from me all about the importance of being more visible when it comes to your brand. Always remember, this is a journey, and you have to live your brand, so being more visible with a live or a story once, or once a month just isn’t going to cut it. You need to get your branding, your photography and your website on point, then start sharing your story with the world. And don’t be shy, be confident, be authentic and be you. Get out there, reflect your brand, and make it happen.

Nicki x

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