Hi guys, I hope you’re having an amazing week and smashing those goals, whatever they may be. Today I want to talk to you all about staying in the zone when it comes to your brand. Now, for those of you who don’t know, or aren’t regular readers, I’ve been where you are right now.
That means I know how much there is to think about, and how scary it can be when you finally leave that 9-5 behind. But what you always have to remember is that the buzz you get as a business owner when the success comes in, whether it’s big or small, is like nothing else. I mean, I just love it, and the longer I’m my own boss, the more addicted I get to that rush.
However, it’s also important to remember that creating your brand, and more importantly making it successful, is a journey. And as with all journey’s there are, and will be, many ups and downs along the way. The downs can come in a variety of shapes and forms, but if you’re prepared, when it comes to both your mindset, your approach and the people you surround yourself with, then whatever happens, I can guarantee you and your brand will be stronger for it.
So how do you stay in the zone when it comes to your brand? Well, let me help you do just that, using some of my own personal experiences.
For anyone who follows me on Instagram, or is part of my Facebook community, The B Studio, you will know that I’ve been through quite a lot recently. Not personally, but with my family – a subject which plays a massive role in my life. To be honest with you all here, I didn’t have the easiest upbringing, and in fact, that’s putting it mildly, but rather than choosing to use it to break me, or even distract me, I use it to fuel what I’m doing now.
From a very early age I knew that I would use those experiences to drive my ambition and honestly, I can’t describe how much it’s pushed me since I broke away from the 9-5. I am determined, and always have been to use every ounce of my energy to challenge myself and push the boundaries of what I’m capable of. Why do I do that I hear you ask? Well because the best things in life never come from comfort zones. I’m a firm believer in that. And also, if you’re willing to go above and beyond for your clients then they will always be blown away by your effort and energy.
There is a stat that only 5% of entrepreneurs become successful and the ones who do, are the ones who work harder, later and longer to push what’s possible. They don’t stop until their clients are absolutely sold on the final outcome. And since launching my own businesses, I’ve learned that I am just one of those people. It’s built into me and it drives people like my husband CRAZY.
The perfectionist in me just won’t give in, regardless of what’s going on outside my business, and if anything, those other factors just push me even more. So, if you can find a way to channel your thing into positive energy for your business, you’ll be onto a winner.
Now, this is crucial. Your business/your brand is, and always should be set up to make you money. At the end of the day, that is why we all do what we do, right?
HOWEVER, it is also built on your passion. That’s what gives it you the edge and advantage over everyone else. Given the time, energy and sheer effort it takes to make it happen for your business, having that passion is the secret ingredient that will take you to where you need and want to be.
That’s what makes you dig deep when others would give in. It’s also the infectious quality that your ideal clients will see and be drawn to whenever you go live, speak to them on the phone or meet them in person.
So you have to protect that passion. You have to nurture it and maintain it. One way of doing that is by ensuring that you’re always trying to do the jobs you love, or work with people you enjoy working with. There’s no point taking a job just for the money. You will soon regret it and start to resent the way it takes over your business. It will get in the way of the things you actually want to do and the money won’t make up for the negative vibes. Guaranteed.
The other way to do it, is to carefully manage your time and not book in so many jobs that you have no time to enjoy all of your hard work. Taking a break, whether it’s going away, visiting an exhibition, going to see that film you’ve wanted to see for ages (I went to see A Star is Born last weekend and it was AMAZING), or just binge watching a show on Netflix, will help you recharge your energy, ready to go again.
You’ll find new sources of inspiration and that passion will burn as bright as ever, because you know that doing something you love is enabling you to build a life you love.
Getting more practical, it’s important to work out a mini action plan for how you can turn any negative signs into positive activities that not only help your mindset, but also boost your brand.
I’ve got a few tips, and things I’ve tried but ultimately, you need to find something that works for you. And what you should never do, is see any negative signs as a reason to give up.
So let’s say you’re feeling shattered, or maybe you’re lacking a bit of motivation… The first thing to know is that it’s OK to feel like that. Those are just bumps in the journey, and as long as you deliver the work and your clients are happy, then it will be as if those bumps never even existed.
Anyway, I’m getting off topic, let’s get back to ways to refocus and zone back in. Some of this may blend in to each other, but I guess the biggest bit of advice is to hit pause. Breathe. Take a time out. Give yourself 5 minutes, 10 minutes, or even an actual lunch break. Yes, I said it, an actual lunch break!
There are lots of things to try like meditation, a cup of tea (or coffee), making a nice lunch to refuel, going for a walk, going for a run, working out, listening to that podcast you love, or looking back at some of your recent successes and remembering why you’re doing it all in the first place. Everyone has something that works for them.
Take those moments whenever you need them, and I can almost guarantee that you’ll come back with a fresh perspective, ready to smash through whatever you need to do. You have to take the time you need otherwise you will get stuck in a rut. You have to fuel your creativity, and the only fuel that works is positive energy.
You are on a journey, and you know the goals you’re targeting. So whenever you hit a bump, or a dip, focus on transforming into a positive for you, rather than getting caught up with everything everyone else is doing.
Everyone is sharing their best moments on social and appear to be living their best lives, so when you’re in a negative space, worrying about how well they say they’re doing, or what they’re doing will only add fuel to the fire, knocking your confidence even more.
So don’t over analyse the competition. Just do you. You will avoid any negativity and dodge the downward spiral that can sometimes be triggered. Embrace your process, put the blinkers on and channel your energy into doing what you do best. Remind yourself of how far you’ve come, the things you’ve achieved and look at where you want to go next. After all, that’s why you’re even where you are right now.
As a brand coach and branding designer, I always describe building your brand as a journey. And there are very clear markers and checkpoints along the way.
Why are they in place? Because the process is so crucial to creating something unique, successful and effective. You can’t run before you can walk, and you need strong, solid foundations to work from.
The other thing that’s great about having a process is that it means that whatever may be happening away from the world of work, you know exactly what you need to do and how you need to approach your business.
So rather than sitting around wondering, you have clear next steps to target, work through and achieve, transforming every little win into a much bigger moment as you push towards your overall goal – whatever it may be.
So there you have my top 5 tips for how to stay in the zone when it comes to your branding. I hope if you can relate to any of the bumps I’ve chatted about, my suggestions will come in handy.
But before I sign off I just want to leave you with one final piece of advice. Everyone, whether you’re an entrepreneur, or a potential entrepreneur has something to share with the world. That could be a talent, an idea, or a new way of approaching something, and you should never be afraid to put it out there.
Because remember, everyone is at different stages of their journey, and we can all inspire each other based on our successes, our experiences and also the lessons we learn along the way. You never know who is out there liking, watching, listening or reading what you have to say, and the impact your words can have. So believe in yourself, and why you’re doing it, trust your instinct and focus on those goals. If you do that, I’m sure you will smash through them and be looking for the next set in no time.
Nicki x
If you want to be part of a community of female entrepreneurs designed to help, motivate and inspire each other about all things branding, then check out my free Facebook group, The B Studio. Look forward to seeing you there soon.
Posted in Brand